Digital working

Office work over recent years has been evolving and transforming based on productivity and the advancement of new technologies. It is noteworthy that the countries of Northern Europe have more established the teleworking and the remote work, while in the countries of central and southern Europe office work still prevailed until the Covid-19 pandemic arrived.

Due to mobility restrictions, workers have gone from working in offices to telecommuting, from home or elsewhere. New technologies allow remote work to develop, that is there is easy access to the internet. This change has brought many benefits to companies, that save costs of maintenance of the premises. Along with also helps the environment in the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere, by reducing travel. Currently, the virtually working form offers greater flexibility when carrying out activities, and there is not set time restriction.

The offices have gone from being physical to being virtual offices, that is, through a good technological structure that allows interaction and is virtual, where it is needed, the worker can adequately perform their job functions and can contact with the client or with the provider.

It is also worth noting that as society’s dependence on new technologies increases at a personal and work level, the cyberattacks increase. Therefore, it is essential to have a good security team so that documents are well protected. We, as an outsourcing company, offer specialized advice on everything related to opening a business in Slovakia, that is, we advise on accounting, taxation, etc. We are a modern company that is committed to new technologies, and we offer efficient services online.

Today, we are in a continuous digital transformation, where the 5G technology will allow to further improve work in the virtual offices.